Apprenticeship East Sussex minutes: 17 July 2023

Apprenticeship East Sussex minutes: 17 July 2023

Meeting details

Date: Monday 17 July 2023

Time: 10:30am-12pm

Location: Microsoft Teams

Attendees and apologies







Caroline Bragg

Chair - ESCC, Employability & Skills Strategy Manager


Alex Green

DWP, Service Leader East Sussex


David Laird

ESCC, Pre-Employment Co-ordinator


Geraldine Turton

University of Brighton, Apprenticeships Manager


Hayley Robertson

ESCG, Head of Apprenticeships


Jennie Cole

East Sussex Careers Hub, Enterprise Co-ordinator


Jeremy Rabinovitch

Trac, Account Manager


Stephen King

SCTP, Moving on Up Project


Vanessa Potter

SCTP, Executive Director




Laura Collier

ESCC, Senior Business Administrator




Claire Witz

Sussex Chamber, LSIP Skills Director


Dan Karlsson

Plumpton College, Head of Business Partnerships


Sara Taylor

Eastbourne & Lewes Councils, Regeneration Officer


Wendy Gorham

East Sussex Careers Hub, Careers Hub Lead


Donna Harfield

East Sussex College – unable to join, technical difficulties

Actions arising from this meeting




Ask DK if he wishes to present on land-based/ environmental at a later meeting


Carry forward

Headlines from Transform evaluation to be presented at next meeting.


For next meeting

VP to meet with WG & JC to see where the Careers Hub Strategy and SCTP work dovetails.


By end Sept

CB to provide info for VP to include in SCTP newsletter.


By end Aug

1. Welcome (new members)

Those present introduced themselves. DL works with Martin Kelly at ESCC. JR is representing Trac at this meeting, in place of Paul Wright.

2. Review of Previous Minutes & Actions

The actions were reviewed.
DK unable to attend today’s meeting so this action will carry forward.
ACTION 1: CB to ask DK if he wishes to present on land and environmental at next meeting.
The second action re ‘mini research project’ relates to items discussed at the last meeting, which Caroline updated on current activity:
• Reducing the complexity for employers, especially to support SMEs who do not have dedicated staff. CB - TRANSFORM are currently doing an evaluation of the programme, which could be used as a pipeline bid for funding via LSIP/LSIF or to lobby government for further support/funding. ACTION 2: Headlines from Transform evaluation to be presented at next meeting – CB/VP.
• The impact on youth employability due to reduced level 2 offers. CB – ESCC feeding into the Local Government Association (LGA) response to the Youth Employment UK's Commission on Level 2 and Level 3 vocational qualifications & apprenticeships re impact of government proposals on young people's pathways to employment. There is also a new L2 Business Admin Trailblazer launched (3rd attempt). CB to update on progress at a late date.
Further actions: CB is presenting the draft AES action plan at this meeting; October meeting date has been set; Previous minutes agreed.

3. Apprenticeship Roadshow feedback

VP gave a presentation on the recent Apprenticeships Roadshows, with over 800 attendees, and more employer and provider exhibitors than previous years. In particular, VP raised increased opportunities and profile for young people with SEND, promoting inclusivity of apprenticeships.

4. Draft AES action plan 2023/2024

CB talked through the draft AES action plan based on the ATE workshop outcomes in April. The action plan was shared prior to, updated during the meeting and attached with minutes dated 17.07.23. Key areas discussed:
• VP noted that the ASK contract is due to cease at the end of next year and is currently under discussion; and would like a discussion with the Careers Hub re areas to dovetail. ACTION 3: VP to meet with WG & JC to see where the Careers Hub Strategy and SCTP work dovetails.
• VP raised inclusion of Provider Access Legislation (PAL). CB confirmed that supporting schools to meet PAL is a KPI for the Careers Hub, and JC updated how this is being delivered by schools. SCTP have been commissioned to develop a directory on their website so schools can access interested training provider contacts directly. The AES action plan was updated with specific reference to Careers Hub work on PAL and the SCTP directory.
• HRo offered to give a college perspective on Level 2 Apprenticeship Trailblazer. CB to follow up.
• GT to provide CB with more detail to update the plan about a piece of work UoB are doing with SCTP & LSIP to promote apprenticeships to employers.

5. Apprenticeship Graduation planning update

VP gave a presentation on the Apprenticeship Graduation plans for 16th November 2023. Registration opens later this month. It would be good to get more construction employers involved this year. The event will be promoted to employers through the task groups.

6. TRANSFORM legacy Toolkits discussion

VP shared details of the TRANSFORM legacy toolkits. The toolkits are intended to be a self-service resource for employers after the project ends. There are two toolkits: SME support and Levy-payer support. Suggestions for what to include in the toolkits included: employer stories; aftercare top tips – things to bear in mind when an apprentice starts; safeguarding – employer responsibilities and how to access support; examples of where bad experience have become good experiences.

7. Expanding the membership to ITPs

The group was asked for thoughts on expanding membership to independent training providers and employers. Agreed an open invitation, with clear commitment to attending quarterly meetings & TOR, and ensure providers are aware that SCTP represent them at AES, so they do not feel obliged to attend.
ACTION 4: CB to provide info for VP to include in SCTP newsletter.

8. Partner updates – forecasts, policy/funding changes, opportunities and challenges

HR reported that ESCG start numbers are healthy; strong intake from construction; and a new online enrolment system is being trialled.

GT reported that the UoB intake for this September looks similar to last year; courses are going through a revalidation cycle; a new Physiotherapy course due to start; and OT capacity has increased.

JR reported TrAC have primarily done construction and expanding to other sectors as part of the Flexi-Apprenticeship scheme. Further detail to follow from Paul.

SK reported that ESTAR’s Moving on Up programme is continuing for another year; Level 2 apprenticeship  offer is appropriate for people in supported and temporary accommodation; further information about ‘Moving On Up’ vacancies can be found here.

AG reported that DWP data is showing that East Sussex districts have the greatest fall in Claimant count currently, and Hastings has seen the biggest reduction in the region in the last month. There is a meeting this week to see what plans are in place for younger customers in Hastings. AG will contact CB and VPo about how apprenticeships can be promoted to younger people as part of this.

9. AOB and Date of Next Meeting

Reminder: agreed 4 meetings per year.

Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 4th October 2023, 10:30-12:00